Begins a scene. Syntax C++ HRESULT BeginScene(); Parameters This method has no parameters. Return value Type: HRESULT If the method succeeds, the return value is D3D_OK. The method will fail with D3DERR_INVALIDCALL if IDirect3DDevice9::BeginScene is called while already in a IDirect3DDevice9::BeginScene/IDirect3DDevice9::EndScene pair. This happens only when IDirect3DDevice9::BeginScene is calle..
Clears one or more surfaces such as a render target, multiple render targets, a stencil buffer, and a depth buffer. HRESULT Clear( [in] DWORD Count, [in] const D3DRECT *pRects, [in] DWORD Flags, [in] D3DCOLOR Color, [in] float Z, [in] DWORD Stencil ); Parameters Count [in] Type: DWORD Number of rectangles in the array at pRects. Must be set to 0 if pRects is NULL. May not be 0 if pRects is a val..
Create an IDirect3D9 object and return an interface to it. syntax C++ IDirect3D9* Direct3DCreate9( UINT SDKversion ); Parameters SDKVersion: The value of this parameter should be D3D_SDK_VERSION. SeeRemarks. Return value If successful, this function returns a pointer to an IDirect3D9 interface; oterwise, a NULL pointer is returned. Remarks The Direct3D object is the first Direct3D COM object tha..
클래스 안에 클래스를 선언하였을 때 Colored By Color Scripter™ //Test.h class Test { private: class subTest { public: subTest(); ~subTest(); } subTest m_nData; public: Test(); ~Test(); subTest& Getm_nData(); } cpp 파일에서 subTest에 대해 정의할 때엔 :: 연산자를 사용하면 된다 어느 범위의 누구 Colored By Color Scripter™ //Test.cpp // Test클래스에 있는 subTest에 있는 subTest 함수에 대한 정의 Test::subTest::subTest() { } 그렇다면 subTest& Getm_nData() 를 정의할 땐 어떻게..