Console Functions The following functions are used to access a console. Function Description AddConsoleAlias Defines a console alias for the specified executable. AllocConsole Allocates a new console for the calling process. AttachConsole Attaches the calling process to the console of the specified process. CreateConsoleScreenBuffer Creates a console screen buffer. FillConsoleOutputAttribute Set..
People communicate with text all the time in their daily lives. It is the primary way for people to consume an increasing volume of information. In the past, it used to be through printed content, primarily documents, newspapers, books, and so on. Increasingly, it is online content on their Windows PC. A typical Windows user spends a lot of time reading from their computer screen. They might be ..
class cText2 { LPD3DXMESH m_mesh; public: cText2(); ~cText2(); void Setup(); void Draw(); }; cText2::cText2() { } cText2::~cText2() { //사용후엔 해제 필수! SAFE_RELEASE(m_mesh); } void cText2::Setup() { HDC hdc=GetDC(g_hWnd); //HDC에서 글꼴을 설정하고 //HFONT font, oldFont; LOGFONT font; ZeroMemory(&font, sizeof(LOGFONT)); font.lfHeight = 100.f; font.lfWidth = 30.f; HFONT hFont; HFONT hOldFont; hFont = CreateFon..